5 of the Most Common Scams in Various Investment Platforms

Scams are just about everywhere, and they’re quite common in investment/trading platforms due to the simple fact that they involve tons of money. If you’re new to trading, you might end up getting scammed even without you realizing it. To help you avoid getting scammed, T&H Consulting has listed these five most common scams in various platforms such as binary options, forex trading, cryptocurrency, and more:

If it would have been a matter of only a few dollars it wouldn’t be worth spending more resources to get it back but if we are talking about thousands or hundreds of thousands then it is surely not something easy to swallow.

Transparency is absolutely important when it comes to trading and investments. You are advised to read the fine print and be wary of any convoluted procedures, especially when it comes to withdrawing funds. However, some brokers will try to scam their way by providing you with unclear stipulations that they didn’t even include in their Terms and Conditions. In some instances, people who got scammed will find themselves unable to withdraw their profits.

This type of scam is prominent in the cryptocurrency industry. Fake ICOs involve encouraging investors to invest in a newly created cryptocurrency that’s promised to be the next major trend. However, this type of investment can be tricky since even the creators might not be aware that they’re actually peddling junk.

Trading robots are often sold by forex trading scammers in the hopes of attracting buyers, promising them high returns with very minimal effort. They might claim that their trading bots are capable of examining various factors such as price volatility to know the best time to enter or exit a certain market. However, trades are often random and don’t have any form of logic. Then again, these trading robot sellers will entice you with their sales pages which are regularly filled with tons of fake testimonials stating how the trading robot has allowed them to earn massive profits.

Cold calling involves a scammer disguising as a stockbroker who will call you and provide you with investment or financial advice. He will claim that his company is offering low-risk investment opportunities that have quick and high returns. His offer will sound legitimate, and he may even show you resources to back his claim.

This type of investment scam often involves real estate high-return schemes, binary options trading, or forex trading.

Ponzi or pyramid schemes are quite popular simply because they work. This type of scam involves recruiting people through ads, promising them high returns in a very short amount of time. They tend to hand out payouts to those who joined the scheme within the first few months. After that, however, they simply disappear without warning, taking with them thousands of cash they pulled from their investors.

Luckily, there are several warning signs that you can check in order to avoid getting scammed. You can easily tell if an opportunity is a scam if:

  • It offers high returns with very minimal risks
  • You keep on receiving repeated calls from someone offering you investment advice
  • You receive an email telling you of a get-rich-quick scheme

If you suspect that you have been drawn into a similar story – be sure to leave a request in the form below – and T&H Consulting specialist will help you to figure out if the company is a scammer/fraud, and if it’s we will give you several ways to solve the problem.

T&H Consulting also offers you courses and master-classes on how to become more competent in the field of finance and financial markets and avoid such situations.

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